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2020 最有意义的 Gift Registry / One of the most meaningful Gift Registries in 2020

Updated: Aug 3, 2020

ido events/idoevents 洛杉矶婚礼策划/洛杉矶婚礼高级定制/美国婚礼策划/海外婚礼/洛杉矶生日策划/best chinese wedding planner los angeles

前不久我正在为一对婚期9月的新人做婚礼前期的策划工作,和新人聊了 Save The Date, RSVP, Gift Registry…等等一系列婚礼流程,没过几天他们和我说:“ Sylvia我们想把我们的gift registry做成一个募捐,把朋友送的礼金全都捐赠给武汉的医院和医生,为那些在疫情面前用生命在保护我们的人做出我们力所能及的一点点贡献。” A couple weeks ago I began to plan a wedding for a client who will have their wedding this September. I was going over the steps with them which includes things like save the date, RSVP and Gift Registries. Just to give them an idea about what they need to do before the day of the wedding. A couple of days later, the couple told me: " Sylvia, we would like to make our gift registry to be a charity and donate the money received to Wuhan, China to help the local hospitals and doctors who are risking their lives helping us fight the virus."

这对90后的新人,是来自洛杉矶的Max Lv 和加拿大的Rachel Mu ,我们相信这一定会是2020最有意义的一张婚礼邀请函,温度仍然是人与人建立起来的。未来很长,用心感受,就会一直有光。。。Max Lv is a groom from LA and the Rachel Mu is the bride from Canada. We believe that this will be the most meaningful gift registry in 2020.

Gift Registry 是国外婚礼中的一个传统,新人会提前选择好自己想要或者需要的不同金额大小的礼物,然后在网页上注册做好一个页面,亲朋好友在收到婚礼邀请之后,可以直接在网页上购买礼物送给新人,礼物会直接寄送到新人预设的地址。意义和国内送红包相似。Gift Reigistry is a tradition in foreign countries. The couple chooses different priced gifts they needs/wants online and register them on a website, friends and relatives will buy the gift online as the wedding gift instead of the traditional red envelope. This is usually done between when the invitation is received and the wedding date. The gift will be sent directly to the couple's home.

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