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面对疫情,我们的婚礼是否要延期?COVID-19 – To delay or not to delay the wedding?

Writer's picture: IDO EVENTSIDO EVENTS

Updated: Aug 3, 2020

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1. 减少各方的心理压力

  • 新人角度:希望大家都开开心心enjoy婚礼。当然前提是大家都安全,但是疫情一天不结束,谁都没办法保证不会有“意外”。

  • 客人角度:一些海外客人签证预约时间,航班价格及出行时间受到影响。当然客人心理也有顾虑,不想高高兴兴去参加婚礼,结果出什么“意外”。


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2. 成本提高

  • 受疫情影响,物流及原材料供应链不足,导致材料价格波动大,物种选择少,时效慢。不同的材质呈现的最终效果是可以有很大差异的,所以不管是对细节,还是预算控制都会有不同程度的影响。



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  • 自己订了venue的新人:尽快联系venue的负责人,建议挑选年底或者明年available的良辰吉日。(越早联系越好,6-9月是加州婚礼旺季,目前8月以前的婚礼的基本都需要取消或者延期,所以越早做决定越能选到你们想要的良辰吉日)

  • 婚礼策划师帮订venue的新人:告诉策划师你们想改期的日子,后面的事策划师会帮你们搞定。(当然前提是像我们一样专业的策划师LOL)

COVID-19 – To delay or not to delay the wedding?

The obvious answer to the current situation is: YES!

There are two major reasons to delay your wedding:

Reason one: Reducing the mental stress for all parties involved.

  • The couple’s perspective: both would like for everyone to enjoy themselves at the wedding without unnecessary stress. Of course, everyone’s safety is the top priority, but this pandemic is not over yet meaning that no one can guarantee safety to possible exposure as there are asymptomatic people.

  • The guest’s perspective: overseas guests that have to go through the process of delayed or closed visa offices, little or no lodging, purchase higher priced flight tickets with limited availability flight times are all impacted by COVID-19. It’s hard for them book right now with many uncertainties. The guests will have concerns about the sanitation and hygiene of where they travel to. No one wants a happy wedding event to end with any ramifications.

In the future you would want to reminisce about the great times at the wedding while sitting around with friends or family and not as the event where someone may have been unfortunately impacted by COVID-19.

Reason two: Prevent increased costs in your wedding budget.

  • The supply chain has been affected by the pandemic situation; therefore, materials will have a higher price and shipping of certain/customized items will take longer. The final design of the wedding can/will be very different because of substituting materials that are no longer available. This will impact your budget one way or another.

A professional wedding planner will not only plan and design the wedding to the couple’s vision but also keeping in mind the overall guest experience when they attend the special event.  It is the overall experience of the guest and seeing a vision turn into reality that really makes a perfect wedding.

The best solution and for the sake of everyone’s safety is to delay your wedding.

How should we and when should we delay the wedding?

  • For couples who have booked the venue on their own: contact the venue representative who signed the contact with you and ask for the next availability closer the end of the year or next year. (contacting the venue sooner than later would be recommended, because the June to September timeframe is peak season for weddings in California. Due to COVID-19, most of the weddings before August will have to or have already been cancelled or postponed, so the sooner you can make the decision the better chance you will get the date of your preference.)

  • For couples that have hired a wedding planner to book your venue: contact your wedding planner and tell them the date you would like to postpone the wedding to. The wedding planner should be assisting in making these changes for you. (Hope that your wedding planner is as professional as like us :)


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